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  • Excellent Poster Paper Award, International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium (IEDMS 2023), Kaohsiung, Taiwan

  • Best Student Poster Award, The Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Asia (WiPDA-Asia 2023), Hsinchu, Taiwan

  • 2021功率半導體材料(氮化鎵&碳化矽)應用元件國際論壇(學生海報展演) 頭等獎

  • 射月計畫”碳化矽單晶片功率系統平台”參展2019未來科技展獲未來科技突破獎。

  • 2019 晶鷹盃科技競賽創意實作組獲第一名。

  • 2018年度科技部產學成果海報展示特優獎,計畫名稱:應用於3.3 kV等級碳化矽功率元件之新穎終端結構研究。

  • Best Paper Award, The 11th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems 2015, Sydney, Australia

  • Outstanding Paper Award, 2012 the 11th Taiwan Power Electronics Conference & Exhibition

  • Outstanding Research Project for Young Researcher, Microelectronics Division, National Science Council of Taiwan, 2012

  • Outstanding Research Award for Young Researcher, Power Engineering Division, National Science Council of Taiwan, 2008

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